Love’s Bakery to Cease Operations in Hawai‘i

March 2, 2021, 10:21 AM HST 


Locally owned and operated, Love’s Bakery, a fixture in Hawaiʻi for over 169 years will cease operations at the end of March due to losses attributable to COVID-19.

“Love’s Bakery has been a beloved brand for nearly 170 years,” the Love’s Bakery Management Team said in a press release announcement. “We have worked diligently to cut expenses, to maintain our market share and to remedy our operational difficulties, however under the current business environment we are no longer able to continue operations.”

The management team continued saying, “Love’s local management is committed to closing its doors in a responsible manner. We wish to thank all of our employees, suppliers, customers, friends, neighbors, and business partners for their loyalty and support.”

Love’s Bakery was founded in 1851 by a Scottish baker Robert Love, Love’s Biscuit & Bread Co. originally specialized in ‘re-baking’ bread from sailing ships that had become inedible, as well as selling hard biscuits called hardtack. 

The business expanded in 1924, and by 1932 its operations were concentrated on wholesale only. Owned by the Love family until 1968, it was sold first to ITT Continental Baking Company, then in 1981 to First Baking Company of Japan. In 2008, management brought ownership back to Hawaiʻi.